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SE 556687-5752. 195 93 Märsta. Fax: Hemsida: Styrelsens säte. 08-734 92 93  Se avsnittet Registreringsnummer per land nedan för mer information om Skärmbild av fältet med registreringsnummer för C N P J-nummer.

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VAT nr: SE556352-1466. Org nr: 5560159823 • Moms reg nr/vat nr SE556015982301 • Got Event AB ingår i koncernen Göteborgs Stad. BUDGET GOT EVENT AB 2018.

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xxxx. Holmens Kanal 2–12. DK-1092 København K Vat no: DK18034492 Att: Contact or location number.

The VAT Vendor Search is subject to the general Terms and Conditions of SARS e-Filing.
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All VAT registered businesses are legally required to disclose their VAT number and the amount of VAT charged on every sales invoice they issue. If you have been given an invoice from a supplier then the first place to check is on that invoice. The VAT Vendor Search is subject to the general Terms and Conditions of SARS e-Filing. Users must please note that the database is updated weekly.

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2018-03-15 · The VAT Number. A VAT number is a government-issued identifier that only applies to companies that assess or reclaim VAT. So if you're traveling for tourism or other leisure purposes – or if you A VAT Number is a 10-digit number and starts with “4”. This search will only return a result if an exact match is found. If you experiencing problems finding the correct VAT registration information, email us at help@vatsearch.co.za. Remember: This information is for entities registered for VAT with SARS, often companies registered at CIPC VAT - how to register, effective date of registration, registration thresholds, calculate taxable turnover, change your details, deregister (cancel) or transfer a VAT registration VAT-Search has more than 600 clients including By using VAT -Search.co.uk you agree that this website stores cookies on your local computer in order to enhance functionality such as remembering your input for further queries.

Erklæring SB2. Danmark: C/O Bakob Aps, Thomas Bergs gade 12 Box 159, DK-9900 Frederikshavn, CVR 30884868. Sverige: VAT reg. nr. SE502071838201  SE 101 21 Stockholm.