Kall Fusion, Tesla, Skalära Vågor, Torsion Fält, Fri - Calaméo
Kall Fusion, Tesla, Skalära Vågor, Torsion Fält, Fri - Calaméo
Also, there is Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7, 1928 - July 31, 2011[1]) was an American Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI., who was publicly saying stuff about chemtrails for years, even on Wikipedia there is a paragraph that says so: "The last years of Ted Gunderson's life were spent Ted Gunderson was an eccentric old man – I don’t know what his motive was. But he was wrong about the bases used for “sprayers”, and I suspect he was wrong about the government child prostitution rings and gang stalking. weathermodification.com is also obviously real. Cloud seeding has been done for over 60 years. On January 21, 2011 former FBI Special Investigator and Special Agent in charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI, Ted Gunderson, made a shocking public statement about the chemtrails spraying program being conducted every day above our skies. He stated for the permanent record: Corona Debunked By Biochemistry This excellent video explains the truth about viruses and how germ theory is still just a theory and has never been proven. The Rothschild’s hijacked the medical industry with their more profitable germ theory framework and have perverted medical direction that promotes fake science.
There are many who believe he was killed by the elite to shut him up. After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson gave presentations across the country alerting the public to the reality of false flag terrorism, satanic ritual abuse, MK mind control and chemtrails…. Also, there is Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7, 1928 - July 31, 2011[1]) was an American Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI., who was publicly saying stuff about chemtrails for years, even on Wikipedia there is a paragraph that says so: "The last years of Ted Gunderson's life were spent Ted Gunderson was an eccentric old man – I don’t know what his motive was. But he was wrong about the bases used for “sprayers”, and I suspect he was wrong about the government child prostitution rings and gang stalking. weathermodification.com is also obviously real. Cloud seeding has been done for over 60 years. On January 21, 2011 former FBI Special Investigator and Special Agent in charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI, Ted Gunderson, made a shocking public statement about the chemtrails spraying program being conducted every day above our skies.
Kall Fusion, Tesla, Skalära Vågor, Torsion Fält, Fri - Calaméo
Debunked: Ted Gunderson Chemtrails and "Death Dumps" Thread starter StratMatt777; Start date Apr 5, 2014; Prev. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page.
Kall Fusion, Tesla, Skalära Vågor, Torsion Fält, Fri - Calaméo
195 المشاهدات شارك تضمين the video that got ex fbi director, ted gunderson killed. Please note that if you are under 18, you won't be able to access this site.
DeCamp is alive but silent, though very much “on the record.”
the truth on chemtrailspaypal.me/openyourmind80
Naturally, suspicions were aroused (publicly expressed by associates of Ted’s on various online sites) when it was learned that Gunderson had been declared dead on July 31st, 2011, allegedly from complications related to cancer… and only just under 30 years from the time he revealed that the FBI was trying to have him silenced. From: Andrew Johnson. Date: 2011-08-02 21:04:27. Attachments : educate-yourself.org… Ted L. Gunderson, Former FBI Bureau Chief, Passed Away on Sunday, July 31, 2011 at Age 82 From Ken Adachi, 1, 2011 Ted L. Gunderson, Former FBI Bureau Chief, Passed Away on Sunday, July 31, 2011 at Age 82 (Aug.
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In 1979 he was one of a handful interviewed for the job of FBI director, which ultimately went to William H. Webster.
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Kall Fusion, Tesla, Skalära Vågor, Torsion Fält, Fri - Calaméo
Keine Wolken – nur ein paar böse Chemtrails!
Kall Fusion, Tesla, Skalära Vågor, Torsion Fält, Fri - Calaméo
7:51. CHEMTRAILS!? Das sollte DIR die AUGEN öffnen, Ingenieur packt aus, Geoengineering. Avioane cargo rusesti de tip Antonov AN-124, ce apartineau americanilor de la baza secreta aeriana Diego Garcia (Oceanul Indian) raspandeau chemtrails au fost fortate sa aterizeze in India, Nigeria/ Chemtrail Planes Forced Down In India, Nigeria 2014-03-22 · nous retrouvons ted gunderson homme de foi,rempli de justice divine contre l injustice qui denonce la verite sur les chemtrails,la video etait de 2011;ce fut l anne qu il est mort,il a ete empoisonner a l arsenic,un homme de dieu qui a fait le bien ,un ex agent du fbi qui n etait pas corrompu the video that got ex fbi director, ted gunderson killed. the video that got ex fbi director, ted gunderson killed. Tenga en cuenta que si es menor de 18 años, 2017-06-04 · Chemtrails - Le témoignage de Ted Gunderson, ancien agent du FBI. Abus rituels sataniques Témoignage de Sharon interviewé par Ted Gunderson. Mouss2018.
Ted said the following: “The death dumps, otherwise known as chemical trails, are being dropped and sprayed throughout the United States and England, Scotland May 28, 2016 - Explore Brenda Battle Jordan's board "My Old FBI Friend Ted Gunderson, I Have All Of His Calls On Tape Before They Killed Him.. He Told Me He Was poison.", followed by 745 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about fbi, ted, nwo.