Finlands ständiga representation vid EU, Bryssel


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Justice and Home Affairs) fall within the competence of Coreper II. The Permanent Representatives Committee to the EU (comprising COREPER II and COREPER I) prepare all Councils of Ministers. The former is concerned with   This site uses cookies in order to provide you with the best possible service. Agree. logo Permanent Representation of Germany to the European Union  Antici (Coreper II coordination), Senior advisor.

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The body  Any proposal to the Council must be submitted to the Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER II), in which every Member State is represented by its EU   Oct 5, 2020 Coreper is composed of the 'permanent representatives' from each member state, who, in effect, are their country's ambassadors to the EU. They  Work is prepared by Antici Group (for Coreper II) and Mertens Group (for Coreper I). Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations. Available with paid  COREPER II consists of the Permanent Representatives who are the member states' Ambassadors to the European Union themselves, who deal with general  Portuguese Permanent Representation to the European Union, Ministry for First Day (Coreper I) · PPUE 2021 First Day (Coreper II) · "Portugal, 30 anos na  Dec 25, 2020 Coreper II roundtable following the 'Brexit deal'. The permanent representatives to the EU meet following the 'Brexit deal', on 25 December  One ambassador describes the difference between Coreper's role and that of The more senior – Coreper II – is more political, handling foreign affairs,  These roles are generally the Head of Government (Prime Minister or President), the Foreign Minister, the country's ambassador to the EU (COREPER II), and a  The Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU is one of the three of the Council and in the Permanent Representatives Committee called COREPER. Jun 5, 2020 These announcements follow a political agreement reached by the ambassadors of the Member States at the COREPER II meeting on 3 June  bodies in the EU, COREPER is divided into two configurations - COREPER I, consisting of the deputy permanent representatives and COREPER II where the  Mar 6, 2020 COREPER II and weekly EU ministerial meetings to be carried via After the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in the European Council  Coreper II består av EU-ländernas ständiga representanter. Den ständiga representanten från det land som har ordförandeskapet i allmänna  STÄNDIGA REPRESENTANTERNAS KOMMITTÉ (Coreper II). Finns även på: BG CS DA DE EL EN ES ET FI FR HR HU IT LT LV MT NL PL PT RO SK SL. I Coreper II ingår de ständiga representanterna, ”EU-ambassadörerna”, medan de biträdande ständiga representanterna ingår i Coreper I. Corepers  De ständiga representanternas kommitté Coreper II gör traditionellt ett besök i EU-ambassadörerna sammanträder varje vecka i Coreper. Färdigförhandlad II-punkt från möte i Coreper II 2012-06-20 som kan tas som 2(a) Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on  Troliga A-punkter inför kommande rådsmöten som godkändes vid Coreper II. 1.

Dagordningar för Coreper II - Consilium

By accepting cookies you can optimise your browsing experience. Accept Refuse More Refuse More Coreper II 22-Feb-2017 Add to My Calendar Shar e this Event The Presidency & EU About the EU; What is the Presidency? Council Dear Council of the EU, Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting: For the COREPER II meetings held on 26 September 2018 (Meeting n°269291), on 3 October 2018 (Meeting n°269301), and on 4 October 2018 (Meeting n°272951): COREPER (Comité des Représentants Permanents) je do češtiny překládán jako Výbor stálých zástupců.Jedná se o klíčovou součást Rady, jejíž původ můžeme dohledat již několik dekád před samotným vznikem EU. COREPER II and weekly EU ministerial meetings to be carried via teleconference over coronavirus fears. By New Europe Newsroom.

Eu coreper ii

Vad för Coreper? - Europainformationen - Eurooppatiedotus

by their Ambassadors at the Permanent Representations in Brussels. Ambassador Rory Montgomery represents Ireland and is chairing COREPER II for the first six months of 2013. COREPER is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and EU) COREPER: Comité dos Representantes Permanente Lucie Březinová Coreper I, komitologie, porušení smlouvy tel.: +32 2 2139 217 e-mail: lucie_brezinova(at) Dominika Czechová Coreper II, primární právo EU, vnější vztahy EU a SZBP a právně lingvistické revize tel.: +32 2 2139 266 e-mail: dominika_czechova(at) Skriftligt samråd med EU-nämnden om en A-punkt, punkt 9 Coreper II, v. 11 kompl.

Coreper II meetings and related documents. EU Presidency website COREPER II in Europe In COREPER II the Member States are represented by their Permanent Representatives, i.e. by their Ambassadors at the Permanent Representations in Brussels. Ambassador Rory Montgomery represents Ireland and is chairing COREPER II for the first six months of 2013. Coreper II arbetar bland annat med utrikespolitik, migration, EU:s budget och brexit. Coreper I arbetar bland annat med miljö, EU:s inre marknad, transportfrågor, arbetsmarknad och fiske. Består av medlemsländernas EU-ambassadörer.
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Body, o ktorých má rokovať Rada, najprv preskúma Coreper, ak Rada nerozhodne inak. Coreper II’s involvement at this level of decision making came rather late following the Conclusions of the Presidency at the Seville Council in June 2002. Previously, there had simply been a single letter of invitation from the president to his/her colleagues.

Mr Kristo PÕLLU Attaché. EU Cyber Capacity Building Network; Phone +32 2 227 4357 .
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EU Cyber Capacity Building Network. tel +32 2 227 4357 . Hanno PARKSEPP – 3 Coreper II, rättsliga och inrikes frågor, sektionen för yttre förbindelser [email protected] +32 2 287 8418 +32 473 523 572; Emmi Suomilammi Informerande not till Coreper II 10457/2/20 REV2 JUR 18.

Coreper II - Consilium

Sammanfattning; Ordförandeskapet i rådet; Hållbara mötesarrangemang. Kompensering för flygutsläpp; Utsläppsberäkningen av hållbara mötesarrangemang; Öppenhet.

Phone +32 2 227 4312 . Mr Kristo PÕLLU Attaché. EU Cyber Capacity Building Network; Phone +32 2 227 4357 . Mr Hanno PARKSEPP Third Secretary.