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Case study settlement and service provision in an area

Teamspirit is vital  UOC clause 10.1.1 Navigational lines and recommended tracks; 10.2.2 Deep The use of the word 'should' in this sentence means that the advice is only  Ibland kombineras provisionslönen med någon form av grundlön. Vikariat. Ett vikariat är en tidsbegränsad anställningsform och innebär att du hoppar in som  -4- ISIN DDE000CZ44N34 "Averaging Date" means each of the following dates, subject to postponement in accordance with the following provisions: 9 March  on the following provisions of the Convention: article 5 on equality and non- a presumption against retrogressive measures, meaning measures that lower the  (without Strukturinvest having an obligation to verify this) the provision of such or to provide any investment advice or service within the meaning of, or as  Those who are under the county's supervision shall also follow the County Administrative Board's provisions and guidelines. The purpose of the money  Description of XML provisioning process . specified as $MAC$.conf. This means that each CPE can have its own $mac$.conf file in TFTP/HTTP server.

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provision meaning in Hindi. pronunciation: [ prə'viʒən ] sound: verb past tense: provisioned verb past participle  Barzillai, Shobi, and Machir did all they could to satisfy those needs by supplying David and his men with beds, wheat, barley, flour, roasted grain, broad beans,  High quality example sentences with “scope of provision” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in  Svensk översättning av 'provision' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. Word, Provision. Swedish Meaning, tillhandahållande, proviant, tillförsel, proviantera, förse med proviant, bestämmelse, föreskrift, villkor, ombesörjande,  Translation and Meaning of provisions, Definition of provisions in Almaany Online Dictionary of English-Swedish.

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More example sentences. provision noun (LAW) [ C ] a statement within an agreement or a law that a particular thing must happen or be done, especially before another can happen or be done: We have inserted certain provisions into … Provisioning is the process of making IT resources, data, and other technology services available to users and customers. It’s a general term that refers to multiple types of services, specifically referring to the initial setup of the services. The term typically is used in reference to enterprise … Provision in Accounting Meaning The provision in accounting refers to an amount or obligation set aside by the business for present and future obligations.

Provision meaning

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b. The act of making preparations for a provision noun (LAW) [ C ] a statement within an agreement or a law that a particular thing must happen or be done, especially before another can happen or be done: We have inserted certain provisions into the treaty to safeguard foreign workers. Provision är en ersättning som utbetalas i förhållande till uppnådd försäljning eller uppnådda mål.. Försäljningsprovision.

2021-03-14 · What Does Provisioning (Computing) Mean? Provisioning is the enterprise-wide configuration, deployment and management of multiple types of IT system resources.
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1. The act of providing or making previous preparation.

provisions meaning, definition, what is provisions: food, drink, and other supplies, especia: Learn more. Inventory stock provision reserves are not usually allowed as tax deductions until inventory has actually been unloaded. This is a common book-to-tax difference to keep in mind.
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Menu. Dictionary Thesaurus Examples Sentences Provision meaning… 2010-08-04 provisions - usually meaning ‘food’ - often being provided so a group eg an army can achieve an objective; Provision - to make provision for - to provide facilities, services for you, that may include food but can also be any other needs - a waiting room, a road, brochures to look at, etc.

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a. The act of providing or supplying something: the provision of health care; the provision of rations. b. The act of making preparations for a possible or future event or situation: The provision for retirement requires planning. 2. A provision is a store or supply of something, like food or clothing. This noun can also describe the planning you do for "when something happens." We often use this word when we talk about outdoor activities like hiking or camping, or when we talk about outfitting an army in the field, but it basically means "supply." provision for/againstFinancial or other arrangements for future eventualities or requirements.

Similar words of Provision are also commonly used in daily talk like as Provisional, Provisionless and Provisionment. provision - a stipulated condition; "he accepted subject to one provision" proviso precondition , stipulation , condition - an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else provision definition: 1. the act of providing something: 2. supplies of food and other necessary things: 3. a statement…. Learn more. Provision definition, a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso.