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If  This form collects information we will use to send you podcasting-related updates with tips, offers, and news. We will not share or sell your personal information. Whether you have a new website or an established business, learn the latest SEO, content marketing, social media, email marketing, Apple Podcasts Preview. About the show.

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We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this 2019-03-31 · Podcasting can be an incredibly fun and rewarding activity if you aren’t completely lost when you start the process.Whether you’ve started a podcast or have dipped your toes into the podcast waters–but haven’t gone “all-in” on this journey–I want to share some of my top tips that can help you create a better podcast. How to Create your Podcast Website. Here are the steps we'll follow to help you create a website and a blog for your podcast: Choose and set up your Web Hosting; Get a domain for your website; Install WordPress on your hosting; Create your first content; Set up your WordPress navigation; Look & Feel: Choose a theme for your WordPress site On to Part 3. This is all about how to create an RSS feed for your podcast, and how to add a podcast to your website.

While podcast publishing and hosting platforms like Anchor can help you get your episodes out there, they don’t give you that one-to-one connection with your listeners that a good website can. This podcast gets with marketing pros all over the world to learn what they and their company do, and to learn one cool marketing tip that they want to share. With enough tips, marketers across the globe will have some powerful knowledge at their fingertips. Marketers: get ready to learn some cool stuff 💥 Elite Marketing Tips is brought to you by The Arch DevOps Podcast Collective. 7 tips for making the perfect podcast How we created a top 10 iTunes podcast Podcasts aren't maybe the hottest digital marketing technique, but I've personally found them to really effective.